Fox Chase Cancer Center News

Fox Chase Cancer Center Hosts 2020 Virtual Paws for the Cause

PHILADELPHIA (September 16, 2020)—This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Fox Chase Cancer Center will hold its 21st annual Paws for the Cause dog walk virtually. The event, hosted by the Fox Chase Board of Associates, has raised more than $500,000 for cancer research at Fox Chase, and although this year’s format will be different, the goal is the same.


Seventh Annual In Vino Vita Benefit and Auction Goes Virtual

PHILADELPHIA (September 14, 2020) — Fox Chase Cancer Center will present its signature fundraising event, In Vino Vita, on Friday, October 2, 2020, from 7–8 p.m. In order to maintain appropriate health and safety precautions, the 2020 gala was moved from its original spring date and will be held virtually for the first time in its seven-year history.