Head & Neck Cancer Patient Stories

Anthony Christinzie

Anthony Christinzie

  • Melanoma
  • Head & Neck Cancer
Anthony Christinzie

Twelve years ago, when I was 59 years old, I was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer of the tongue. I had some pain on the left side of my tongue, and I unfortunately ignored it. I thought it would go away. Eventually, I got it looked at and it turned out to be cancer. That’s how I began my journey at Fox Chase Cancer Center.

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Jack Gullo

  • Head & Neck Cancer
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A few days before leaving on my vacation in August, 2017, I noticed a loose tooth. My biggest worry was that maybe I had an abscess and it would ruin my trip.

When I got home, my dentist said I should have it pulled, so I went to an oral surgeon. The oral surgeon said, “I see something, so I’m going to do a biopsy.” I kind of knew right then that I had cancer.

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Linda Rathbun

  • Head & Neck Cancer
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I tell people if you are going on this journey, you should not compare yourself to anyone else. Every cancer is different, and every person’s situation is different.

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Nick Maraini

  • Head & Neck Cancer
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I was floored by my diagnosis. I don’t smoke, chew tobacco, or drink excessively, and I was only 33 years old.