Cihangir Duy, PhD, MS

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Assistant Professor, Cancer Epigenetics Program

Member, Cancer Epigenetics Institute

Research Program

Educational Background

  • Postdoctoral, Epi-Genomics and Organoid Modelling, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, 2011 - 2019
  • PhD, Immunology and Cancer Biology, University of Southern California - Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, California and HHU Düsseldorf, Germany, 2006 - 2011
  • MS, Molecular Biophysics, Jülich Research Center and University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 2005
  • BS, Biology, University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 2002

Research Interests

  • Identifying drug survival mechanisms for novel therapeutic strategies to benefit patients
  • Developing organoid models for precision medicine
  • Determining pathways and mechanisms regulating chromatin modifiers and enhancer-promoter interactions in hematopoietic cells
  • Systems biology approaches to determine epigenetic plasticity and epigenome regulation


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    Selected Publications

    Duy C*, Li M, Teater M, Meydan C, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Lee TC, Chin C, Durmaz C, Kawabata KC, Dhimolea E, Mitsiades CS, Doehner H, D'Andrea RJ, Becker MW, Paietta E, Mason CE, Carroll M and Melnick AM*. Chemotherapy induces senescence-like resilient cells capable of initiating AML recurrence. Cancer Discov. 2021. PMID: 33500244 (*corresponding author)

    Dhimolea E, de Matos Simoes R, Kansara D, Al’Khafaji A, Bouyssou J, Weng X, Sharma S, Raja J, Awate P, Shirasaki R, Tang H, Glassner BJ, Liu Z, Gao D, Bryan J, Bender S, Roth J, Scheffer M, Jeselsohn R, Gray NS, Georgakoudi I, Vazquez F, Tsherniak A, Chen Y, Welm A, Duy C, Melnick A, Bartholdy B, Brown M, Culhane AC, Mitsiades CS. An Embryonic Diapause-like Adaptation with Suppressed Myc Activity Enables Tumor Treatment Persistence. Cancer Cell. 2021. Jan 5; S1535-6108(20)30609-7. PMID: 33417832

    Duy C, Béguelin W, and Melnick AM. Epigenetic Mechanisms in Leukemias and Lymphomas. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2020, Feb; 3. PMID: 32014848

    Duy C*, Teater M, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Lee TC, Meydan C, Glass JC, Li M, Hellmuth JC, Mohammad HP, Smitheman KN, Shih AH, Wahab OA, Tallman MS, Guzman ML, Muench DE, Grimes HL, Roboz GJ, Kruger RG, Creasy CL, Paietta EM, Levine RL, Carroll M* and Melnick AM*. Rational targeting of cooperating layers of the epigenome yields enhanced therapeutic efficacy against AML. Cancer Discov. 2019, Jul; 9:872–89. PMID:31076479 (*corresponding author)

    Li M, Chiang YL, Lyssiotis CA, Teater MR, Hong JY, Shen H, Wang L, Hu J, Jing H, Chen Z, Jain N, Duy C, Mistry SJ, Cerchietti L, Cross JR, Cantley LC, Green MR, Lin H, Melnick AM. Non-oncogene Addiction to SIRT3 Plays a Critical Role in Lymphomagenesis. Cancer Cell. 2019 Jun 10;35(6):916-931. PMID: 31185214

    Hatzi K, Geng H, Doane AS, Meydan C, LaRiviere R, Cardenas M, Duy C, Shen H, Vidal MNC, Baslan T, Mohammad HP, Kruger RG, Shaknovich R, Haberman AM, Inghirami G, Lowe SW, Melnick AM. Histone demethylase LSD1 is required for germinal center formation and BCL6-driven lymphomagenesis. Nat Immunol. 2019 Jan;20(1):86-96. PMID: 30538335

    Duy C*, Melnick A*. Untangling the Role of Polycomb Complexes in Chemotherapy Resistance. Cancer Discov. 2018 Nov;8(11):1348-1351. PMID: 30385522 (*corresponding author)

    Maes T, Mascaró C, Tirapu I, Estiarte A, Ciceri F, Lunardi S, Guibourt N, Perdones A, Lufino MMP, Somervaille TCP, Wiseman DH, Duy C, Melnick A, Willekens C, Ortega A, Martinell M, Valls N, Kurz G, Fyfe M, Castro-Palomino JC, Buesa C. ORY-1001, a Potent and Selective Covalent KDMA Inhibitor, for the Treatment of Acute Leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2018 Mar 12;33(3):495-511.e12. PMID: 29502954

    Chung SS, Kim E, Park JH, Chung YR, Lito P, Teruya-Feldstein J, Hu W, Beguelin W, Monette S, Duy C, Rampal R, Telis L, Patel M, Kim MK, Huberman K, Bouvier N, Berger MF, Melnick AM, Rosen N, Tallman MS, Park CY, Abdel-Wahab O. Hematopoietic stem cell origin of BRAFV600E mutations in hairy cell leukemia. Sci Transl Med. 2014 May 28;6(238):238ra71. PMID: 24871132

    Duy C, Hurtz C, Shojaee S, Cerchietti L, Geng H, Swaminathan S, Klemm L, Kweon SM, Nahar R, Braig M, Park E, Kim YM, Hofmann WK, Herzog S, Jumaa H, Koeffler HP, Yu JJ, Heisterkamp N, Graeber TG, Wu H, Ye BH, Melnick A & Müschen M. BCL6 enables Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells to survive BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibition. Nature. 2011;473:384-388. PMID: 21593872

    Duy C, Yu JJ, Nahar R, Swaminathan S, Kweon SM, Polo JM, Valls E, Klemm L, Shojaee S, Cerchietti L, Schuh W, Jack HM, Hurtz C, Ramezani-Rad P, Jäck HM, Herzog S, Jumaa H, Koeffler HP, de Alborán IM, Melnick AM, Ye BH & Müschen M. BCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire. J Exp Med. 2010;207:1209-1221. PMID: 20498019

    Klemm L, Duy C, Iacobucci I, Kuchen S, von Levetzow G, Feldhahn N, Henke N, Li Z, Hoffmann TK, Kim YM, Hofmann WK, Jumaa H, Groffen J, Heisterkamp N, Martinelli G, Lieber MR, Casellas R & Müschen M. The B cell mutator AID promotes B lymphoid blast crisis and drug resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2009;16:232-45. PMID: 19732723

    Duy C & Fitter J. How aggregation and conformational scrambling of unfolded states govern fluorescence emission spectra. Biophys J. 2006;90:3704-11. PMID: 16500981

    Duy C & Fitter J. Thermostability of irreversible unfolding alpha-amylases analyzed by Unfolding kinetics. J Biol Chem. 2005;280:37360-5. PMID: 16150692

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