Library Databases A-Z



    AIDSinfo (NLM, USHHS) 
    Offering information about HIV/AIDS research, prevention, and treatment.
    AJCC Cancer Staging Manual (STAT!Ref) 
    The AJCC Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians and health care professionals to facilitate the uniform description and reporting of neoplastic diseases. Proper classification and staging is essential for the physician to assign proper treatment, evaluate results of management and clinical trials, and to serve as the standard for local, regional and international reporting on cancer incidence and outcome.
    Access HemOnc (McGraw-Hill Medical)
    AccessHemOnc is a subscription-based resource that features continually updated content from leading medical textboooks in hematology-oncology reference and research. Users can search multiple titles at once, read full chapters or just figures, and view clinical procedure videos.
    Access Medicine (McGraw-Hill Medical)
    AccessMedicine is a subscription-based resource that features continually updated content from leading medical textboooks. Users can search multiple titles at once, read full chapters or just figures, and view clinical procedure videos.
    Access Surgery (McGraw-Hill Medical) 
    AccessSurgery is a subscription-based resource that features continually updated content from leading surgical textboooks, including Schwartz's Principles of Surgery.Users can search multiple titles at once, read full chapters or just figures, and view clinical procedure videos.
    Advisory Board Company (Advisory Board Company) 
    Provide strategic guidance and healthcare administration reports and solutions. Free to Fox Chase staff but registration is required
    BioMed Central (Springer)
    BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology, and Medicine) publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals.
    BrowZine (Third Iron)
    BrowZine delivers scores of academic journals to your desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone, or Android device. Users can create bookshelves of journal titles, libraries of individual articles, and export citations to EndNote.
    ChemIDplus (NCBI, NLM)
    ChemIDplus contains over 400,000 chemical records. More than 300,000 of those records include chemical structures. ChemIDplus is searchable by name, synonym, CAS registry number, molecular formula, classification code, locator code, structure, and/or physical properties. Enhanced structure display is available in ChemIDplus Advanced.
    Full text for nursing and allied health journals included in the CINAHL index; covers biomedicine, health sciences, completmentary and alternative medicine, and more.
    ClinicalTrials.gov (NIH)
    ClinicalTrials.gov is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world. .
    The Cochrane Library (Cochrane/Wiley) 
    The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) is the leading resource for systematic reviews in health care. The CDSR includes Cochrane Reviews, protocols for Reviews, editorials, and occasional supplements.
    Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (Clarivate) 
    The Conference Proceedings Citation Index contains over 205,900 conference proceedings, with 70 million cited references dating back from 1990 to present.
    DailyMed (NLM, USHHS)
    This website contains drug listings as submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). At the present time, this Web site does not contain a complete listing of labels for approved prescription drugs.
    Databay Resources (Databay) 
    DataBay Resources develops and markets business intelligence software and technology solutions for healthcare organizations. For more information about accessing Databay, contact Russell Starkey.
    Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) 
    An extensive index of open access journals.
    Drugs @ FDA (US HHS) 
    Drugs@FDA allows you to search for official information about FDA approved innovator and generic drugs and therapeutic biological products. It includes prescription and over-the-counter human drugs, therapeutic biologicals currently approved for sale in the United States, discontinued drugs and "Chemical Type 6" approvals.
    DrugBank (CIHR, et. al.) 
    The DrugBank database is a unique bioinformatics and cheminformatics resource that combines detailed drug chemical, pharmacological, and pharmaceutical data with comprehensive drug target sequence, structure, and pathway information. The database includes FDA-approved small molecule drugs, FDA-approved biotech (protein/peptide) drugs, nutraceuticals, and experimental drugs.
    Drug Information Portal (NLM, USHHS) 
    The NLM Drug Information Portal gives users a gateway to selected drug information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and other key U.S. Government agencies.
    Dynamic Health (EBSCO) 
    An evidence-based tool designed to help nurses and allied health professionals master skills, obtain fast answers to questions and foster a culture of evidence-based practice and critical thinking leading to improved patient outcomes.
    EBMcalc (STAT!Ref) 
    EBMcalc is a unique computerized medical reference and tool set. EBMcalc encompasses a wide array of pertinent medical formulae, clinical criteria sets and decision tree analysis tools.
    ECRI Guidelines Trust (NLM) 
    An interactive guideline portal, puts current, evidence-based clinical practice guidelines directly into the hands of clinicians, researchers, medical librarians, students, and patients.
    EMBASE (Elsevier) 
    EMBASE is a major index of peer-reviewed literature in the following areas: drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, environmental health, psychiatry, biomedical engineering and instrumentation, and some coverage of nursing, psychology, and alternative medicine.
    Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate)
    Journals included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index cover all disciplines and range from international and broad scope publications to those that provide deeper regional or specialty area coverage.
    Entrez, The Life Sciences Search Engine (NCBI, NLM)
    Entrez is a global, cross-database search that allows users to search multiple health sciences databases available through the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at once.
    ERIC (US Department of Education) 
    ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
    EU Clinical Trials Register (European Medicines Agency) 
    The European Union Clinical Trials Register allows you to search for protocol and results information on interventional clinical trials that are conducted in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) and clinical trials conducted outside the EU / EEA that are linked to European paediatric-medicine development.
    FDA: Medical Device Databases
    Sizeable list of medical device databases including: AccessGUDID, CDRH Inspections, CLIA, HDE, Premarket Approvals and Total Product Life Cycle.
    Google Scholar (Google)
    Search for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports.
    Bioinformatics Links Directory (Bioinformatics.ca)
    The Bioinformatics Links Directory features curated links to molecular resources, tools and databases.

    Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate)
    Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is a resource for journal evaluation, using citation data drawn from scholarly and technical journals worldwide. The Science edition contains data from journals in the areas of science and technology.
    Journals@Ovid (Ovid)
    Journals@Ovid is an aggregate of hundreds of scientific, technical, and medical journals from over 50 publishers and societies.
    Linscott's Directory of Immunological and Biological Reagents (Linscott's USA)
    Helps users find antibody suppliers for thousands of specific antibodies and locate sources for ELISA assay kits, cytokines, enzymes, recombinant proteins, siRNAs, tissues, organs, custom antibody services.
    Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (EBSCO)
    LISTA is a research database covering library information science including core journals and books.
    Medline Plus (NLM, USHHS) 
    MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients, their families, and friends. It brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand.
    National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) 
    Gateway to NCCN Templates and Guidelines for the treatment, detection, prevention, risk reduction, and supportive care of cancer. Registration required.
    NCBI Databases (NCBI) 
    A list of all NCBI databases.
    NLM Catalog (NLM) 
    Access to NLM held materials including journals and books. Links to the library’s holdings in LocatorPlus, the library’s public access catalog are also available.
    Nursing Reference Center
    A point-of-care resource intended for staff nurses, nurse administrators, nursing students, nurse faculty, and hospital librarians.
    PDQ (NCI) 
    PDQ (Physician Data Query) is NCI's comprehensive source of cancer information. It contains cancer information summaries on a wide range of cancer topics; drug information summaries on many cancer-related drugs and drug combinations; and dictionaries of general cancer terms, drug terms, and genetics terms. PDQ also contains a directory of professionals who provide genetics services.
    Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority 
    The Authority is charged with taking steps to reduce and eliminate medical errors by identifying problems and recommending solutions that promote patient safety in hospitals, ambulatory surgical facilities, birthing centers, and certain abortion facilities. The Authority analyzes and evaluates all reports and makes recommendations for changes in health care practices and procedures which may be instituted to reduce the number and severity of Serious Events and Incidents in Pennsylvania's healthcare institutions.
    Pillbox(NLM, USHHS)
    Pillbox links you to the drug label, clinical trials, breastfeeding safety, and more.
    Practice Update(Elsevier)
    PracticeUpdate is a current awareness tool that connects healthcare professionals with the information for patient care. Registration required.
    Protocol Online (POL Scientific) 
    Protocol Online is a database of research protocols in a variety of life science fields. It contains protocols contributed by worldwide researchers as well as links to web protocols hosted by worldwide research labs, biotech companies, personal web sites.
    PubMed (NLM, NIH)
    PubMed comprises more than 25 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
    PubMed Central (NLM, NIH) 
    PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
    RePORT (NIH) 
    The RePORT (Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools) website provides access to a variety of reporting tools, reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities. One of the tools available on the RePORT site is the RePORTER (RePORT Expenditures and Results) module. RePORTER is an electronic tool that allows users to search a repository of NIH-funded research projects and access publications and patents resulting from NIH funding.
    R2 Digital Library (Rittenhouse)
    The R2 Digital Library is an eBook platform for health science collections featuring a comprehensive collection of medical, nursing, and allied health eBooks.
    Science.gov (DOE, OSTI, CENDI) 
    Science.gov searches over 60 databases and over 2200 selected websites from 15 federal agencies, offering 200 million pages of authoritative US government science information.
    Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate) 
    Science Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences.
    ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
    Sciencedirect is a full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from nearly 2,500 journals and more than 30,000 books. A complete list of titles is available from the ScienceDirect website. Please note that we do not subscribe to all titles in the ScienceDirect collection.
    SG2 Health Care Intelligence (Sg2) 
    Provdes forecasting tools for patient volumes related to investments and future market projections. Free to FCCC staff but registration is required.
    Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate) 
    Social Sciences Citation Index is a database which contains searchable author abstracts covering the journal literature of the social sciences.
    SPIN (infoEd Global) 
    Database of funding opportunities.
    Staff Publications Database (FCCC) 
    Database of publications by FCCC authors.
    STAT!Ref (Teton Data Systems)
    STAT!Ref allows users to cross-search full-text titles, journals and other authoritative resources. It provides the latest healthcare information in a customizable and convenient format.

    TRIP Database (Trip) 
    Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care quickly and easily. As well as research evidence we also allow users to search other content types including images, videos, patient education leaflets, educational courses, and news.
    Teacher Reference Center (Ebsco)
    Teacher Reference Center (TRC) indexes and abstracts nearly 300 peer-reviewed journals. Topics covered include best practices, curriculum development, literacy standards, pedagogical research, instructional media, language arts, acience & mathematics, and school administration.
    UpToDate (Wolters Kluwer) 
    UpToDate® is a physician-authored clinical decision support resource which can be used when making point-of-care decisions.
    VADLO (Life in Research, LLC)
    Search VADLO for laboratory bench protocols, biotechnology methods, biosciences techniques, biochemistry lab recipes, biotech procedures for genetics, genomics and SNP genotyping experiments, microRNA arrays, tissue and expression microarrays, and more.
    Web of Science (Clarivate)
    Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

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