Fox Chase Cancer Center News

Fox Chase Cancer Center Opens First New Jersey Location in Voorhees

PHILADELPHIA (March 28, 2024) — Fox Chase Cancer Center is proud to welcome patients to its newly opened office, which is located at 502 Centennial Boulevard, Suite 7, in Voorhees, New Jersey. The site, which is the first that Fox Chase has opened in New Jersey, welcomes patients from within the region and beyond for treatment for urologic oncology, benign urologic conditions, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and radiation oncology consults. (Pictured Alexander Kutikov, MD, FACS, Chair and Professor, Department of Urology and Roberta R. Scheller Chair in Urologic Oncology)


Harnessing the Power of Adaptive Radiation Therapy: A One-Year Review from Fox Chase Cancer Center

PHILADELPHIA (March 27, 2024) — Over the past year, the Fox Chase Cancer Center Radiation Oncology team led by Eric Horwitz, MD, FABS, FASTRO, Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Fox Chase and the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, has boldly moved adaptive radiation therapy into the mainstream, demonstrating its clinical advantages for treating prostate, bladder, liver, pancreas, breast, lung, and head and neck cancers. Horwitz says, “We have built Fox Chase into a national and regional leader offering a robust clinical care program, innovative clinical trials, and the experience of treating many patients.”


Fox Chase Cancer Center and Temple University Hospital Recertified Under ASCO’s Quality Oncology Practice Initiative

PHILADELPHIA (March 22, 2024) – Fox Chase Cancer Center and Temple University Hospital – Main Campus have been recognized by the QOPI Certification Program LLC as successfully completing a three-year recertification for outpatient hematology-oncology practices that meet nationally recognized standards for quality cancer care. The QOPI program is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Association for Clinical Oncology and an affiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).


DAISY-Winning Mother/Son Have a Loc on Compassionate Care

PHILADELPHIA (March 18, 2024) — Judy Loc, BSN, RN, could not make it to work on January 11, 2024, the day her son, Tyler Loc, BSN, RN, received his DAISY Award at Fox Chase Cancer Center. She was home recovering from COVID-19, but she knew full well the mix of pride and appreciation of recognition that comes from receiving a DAISY Award, having won the award herself the previous January.